XIII. Kerületi Közszolgáltató Zrt.,(Company of Public Services of the 13th District) SKult13 Divizió (Cultural and Sport Division)
The main aim of the cultural and sport division (sport from this year only) is to offer different cultural and sport services for the citizens of the district on the following fields: theatre, free-time programs, groups of eurhythmics and –art, exhibition, adult education for children, youngsters and adults.
The division consists of five institute where we carry out the mentioned activities.
Our city ( and trough it with the projects) has partnerships established with the following cities: Vienna-Floridsdorf, Kosice-South, Osijek, Sovata, Warsaw-Ocota. We’re working together in the Green Club Networking initiating always actual topics.
In addition we expand gradually our institutional cultural work and form in the future involving the relevant European contact points.
Director: Lajos Szalkai – international and civil referee
1131 Budapest, József Attila tér 4.
Phone: +36 1 320 3842
Fax: +36 1 349 8151
Mobile: +36 30 453 4264
E-mail: [email protected]
’Angyalföldi Láng’ Cultural Center Cultural Association
The ‘Angyalföldi Láng’ Cultural Center Cultural Association was established in 1993 in the Láng Cultural Center building. Members of the community center using non-governmental organizations, and individuals. The Association has full legal successor of the Láng Cultural Centre, whose history goes back to 1929, Gustav Láng was the founder of Láng Cultural Center. (He was the ‘Láng Gépgyár’s owner). Today, nearly a thousand members of the Association.
The main tasks of the Association:
Organization of cultural and entertainment (concerts, performances, traditional festivals), leisure activities (various amateur art groups, the operation of clubs, study groups, excursions) for all ages,
Fostering the creation of a healthy lifestyle,
Organize exhibitions,
The operation of the library,
NGO acceptance and support,
Build up international relations, nurturing.
Address: 3. Rozsnyai Street, 1139 Budapest, Hungary
Phone: +36 1 349-6308, +36 1 349-6309
E-mail: [email protected]
More information about the organisation HERE
Collaboration of roma women in Halmaj
Contact: Rita Kordos
[email protected]
Tel.: +36 20 452 6723
Working field: work with a Roma women community in 3842 Halmaj, North-Eastern Hungary
Contact language: englishThe main aim of our programme is to support a roma women mentorgroup in the valley of Hernád river, whose members interiorize social responsibility and are prepared to achieve community tasks. During our activities the participant roma women gained knowledge in the fields of representing women’s rights, community mediation, local club managing, handling communication in conflict based situations and passing informal knowledge in youth groups. The roma women use their acquired competences by sharing information with young roma girls in local schools about women intim hygiene, contraception, early childbearing and domestic violence. The roma women mentors organise baby-mother club, foster parent club, other local community events and join actively in community actions, conferences, events.
The Regina Alapítvány Miskolc (Regina Foundation Miskolc) main aim is improve the situation of women in society and to ensure equal rights to the disadvanteged groups. The organisation supports the networking of women groups and the working of community spaces led by women.Regina Foundation is responsible to mentor a group of roma women at Halmaj, North-Eastern Hungary. The initiative is called the Collaboration of Roma Women in Halmaj. They organised a workshop with a topic of ‘Women and poverty’ in March 2016.
Gyertyaláng Gyermekfalu Alapítvány, Mariakéménd, Hungary
Rákóczi F.u.22.H – 7663 Máriakéménd/Hungary
Contact: Anett Balog